UPDATED: 4 April 2024

The 27k1 RMS Admin Center

Signing in

  1. Go to the Settings menu option on the app's top toolbar.
  2. Select "27k1 App Administration"
  3. Enter your Microsoft 365 global admin credentials.

You will always be signed out when leaving the Admin Center.


Due to the licensing of the 27k1 RMS being priced by ROC Credits, the 27k1 RMS application can be installed on any Windows PC with the user having access to a Microsoft 365 Global Administrator account.

For security reasons it is preferred that the global admin account is a dedicated account for admin purposes only.

License key and Assessment ROC Credits available

  • Shows your license key details along with features:
  • Prevent the license key from been shown to app users.
  • Shows available ROC Credits.
  • Shows the number of domains the license key allows (default 1). This can be increased on request.

SQL Database configuration security

Prevent users accessing the database configuration page.

Database configuration

User roles

Disable Users from accessing the User Role configuration page
Configure which users can be restricted to view their own assessments.
  • Toggle the button to "Yes" allowing User's to be restricted to their own assessments.
  • Enter the user name associated with the signed in computer.